Filipinos celebrate 35th founding anniversary of the NDFP

By Roselle Valerio

Since several days ago, allied organizations of the NDFP and the Filipino people had been gathering in the guerrilla fronts and consolidated revolutionary bases, as well as in cities and town centers, to celebrate the victories thus far achieved in the national democratic revolution. The gatherings also used the occasion to commemorate the contributions and ultimate sacrifice made by hundreds of martyrs of the revolution.

Outside the country, the NDFP International Information Office spearheaded on 26 April the anniversary celebrations in Amsterdam, consisting of literature and arts exhibits, short-film screenings, a forum featuring Professor Jose Maria Sison and Luis G. Jalandoni, and cultural performances of migrant Filipinos and solidarity organizations from the Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Turkey and Indonesia.

    Read or download the March – April 2008 Anniversary Issue of Liberation International…

    Also in this issue:

    Living (and struggling) in the Philippines: Belgian student recounts exposure trip to the Philippines

    Communists around the world reaffirm support for Philippine revolution

    NDFP salutes the friends of the Filipino people