On the release of four prisoners of war

Member, NDFP National Executive Commiittee

As a goodwill gesture to promote the peace talks between the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), and as a response to the appeals of the families of the Prisoners of War (POWs), the NDFP is releasing the four prisoners of war (POWs) recently taken into custody by the New People’s Army.

The NDFP is declaring a ceasefire by the NPA for the towns of Claver, Gigaquit, Bacuag, Placer, Tubod and Alegria of Surigao del Norte; and Kitcharao, Jabonga and Santiago of Agusan del Norte beginnig 12:00 noon of 27 July 2014 until 12:00 noon of 01 August 2014.

The NPA ceasefire corresponds with the suspension of military operations (SOMO) and suspension of police operations (SOPO) issued for the same area and period of time. The details of the NPA ceasefire are contained in the order issued on 27 July 2014 by Comrade Maria Malaya on behalf of the NDFP-North Eastern Mindanao Region.

Website: http://www.ndfp.net
Email address: ndf@casema.nl
Telephone: +31-30-2310431
Fax: +31-84-7589930

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Postbus 19195
3511EP Utrecht
The Netherlands