NPA continues to gain strength through tactical offensives

Contrary to the gloating of military officers and officials of the reactionary government that the Filipino people’s armed revolutionary forces are seriously weakened, the Red fighters of the New People’s Army (NPA) continue to gain strength by staging tactical offensives and dealing heavy blows against the fascist troops of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

Successful military operations ranging from offensive attacks to sniping, harassment and carrying out just punishment against incorrigible criminals and spies were launched by the people’s guerrillas against enemy forces in different provinces of the country during the last three months.

Foiling enemy attacks

On September 15 in Sitio Calanay, Barangay Banco, Palanas in Masbate, the Red fighters from the NPA-Masbate (Jose Rapsing Command) thwarted an attack by the AFP’s 2nd Infantry Battalion, then launched a counteroffensive that killed 10 enemy troops. The people’s guerrillas used a command-detonated explosive against the enemy troops then maneuvered to safety contrary to the lies spread by the 2nd IB that the NPA suffered many casualties.

According to Ka Luz del Mar, spokesperson of NPA-Masbate, the enemy quickly retrieved the bodies of their fallen soldiers to hide their casualties but many witnessed the retrieval of the AFP’s dead. Due to its humiliation from defeat from the Red fighters and failure to get information from the masses, the Philippine Army and the PNP poured 200 troops and personnel into the barangays of Banco, San Carlos and Bigaa in the Palanas town. 

Prior to the September NPA offensive, a unit of NPA-Masbate (Jose Rapsing Command) ambushed AFP soldiers in consecutive raids in two separate military camps in the town of Milagros, Masbate. The armed action is a condemnation of the ongoing Pacific Partnership 2024-2 (PP24-2) so-called humanitarian mission of American and Filipino troops in Legazpi City, Albay in the Bicol region from August 1 to 14. The US PP24-2 is used as a cover for counterrevolutionary war operations under the guise of disaster response exercises such as trainings on the use of geographic information systems technology, emergency operations, mountain and urban search and rescue preparation.

The people’s guerrillas attacked the 93rd Division Reconnaissance Company (DRC) camp in Sitio San Jose, Barangay Hamorawon and the 2nd IB camp in Barangay San Antonio last August 10 at 9 p.m. The people’s army said that the 2nd IB and 93rd DRC are part of the armed forces serving as  guards of US troops in the Philippines.

The enemy troops were known for committing atrocities against the Masbateños. The 2nd IB is involved in multiple crimes against the people of Masbate especially against the farmers, threatening their lives, ransacking their homes, stealing the peasants’ food, poultry and livestock. The members of the 2nd IB Alpha Company serve as staff and thugs of Masbate Governor Antonio T. Kho and protectors of the lands he has grabbed from the masses.

But the NPA and the masses remain unafraid. In fact, the masses in the area celebrated the defeat of the reactionary soldiers and shouted “Marise!” (You reaped what you sow!)

Ka Luz reminded the NPA-Masbate units that this “defensive battle is a challenge for the NPA-Masbate to continue to persevere in launching tactical offensives to punish the AFP-PNP-CAFGU for their crimes.”

The NPA-Masbate also launched harassment operations against enemy troops. Last August 26 at 11 p.m. The NPA unit fired upon soldiers of the 2nd IB while they were resting in their compound in Placer, Masbate. The soldiers scampered as the people’s fighters opened fire and used command-detonated explosives against the 2nd IB Alpha Company unit in the area. The people’s fighters have yet to confirm the number of casualties from the reactionary army.  There were no casualties on the side of the people’s army as they were able to safely maneuver away from the area.

Among the crimes committed by the 2nd IB is the murder of young brothers Ronel and Robert Monsanto on July 8 in Barangay Aguho, town of Esperanza.

Red fighters also launch harassment operations against the enemy because such military actions cause grave demoralization among the ranks of the fascist troops.

More operations against the enemy

  • The Red fighters of NPA-Sorsogon (Celso Minguez Command) launched an ambush against the forces of the 22nd IB unit based in Juban, Sorsogon in the Bicol region last September 6 in Barangay Calpi, Bulan, Sorsogon killing Cpl. Rodel Felismino and wounding Pfc Jamil Forte.

Comrade Samuel Guerrero, NPA-Sorsogon spokesperson said that the action was in response by NPA-Sorsogon to the clamor for justice from the people in areas harassed and suppressed by soldiers during military operations in the different barrios in the area of Magallanes, Bulan, Irosin and Juban since March.  NPA-Sorsogon expressed determination to address the grievances of the people and defend them against the fascist forces of the state.

  • At least six soldiers of the AFP were killed and 12 injured in the counterattacks and active defense by units of the NPA-North Central Mindanao in March and July, according to reports by Ang Kalihukan (The Movement), the region’s revolutionary mass newspaper.
  • The New People’s Army (NPA)-Western Samar (Arnulfo Ortiz Command) fired at 87th IB soldiers encamped in Sitio San Pedro, Barangay Poblacion 3, San Jose de Buan, Western Samar on June 9 killing Corporal Marvin Calvintos and wounding several soldiers. On June 23, a unit of the same NPA command carried out a sniping operation against the fascist troops of the 97th IB in Jiabong, Western Samar. Killed during the operation was Sgt. Leo D. Jabinar.
  • Three soldiers from the 203e Brigade stationed in Oriental Mindoro were killed when Red fighters from the Lucio de Guzman Command of NPA-Mindoro foiled an attack by the said Brigade last July 11 in Barangay Panaytayan, Mansalay, Oriental Mindoro.

Every tactical offensive launched by the NPA is carefully planned and carried out. The NPA ensures that no civilians are hurt in any operation in compliance with international humanitarian law. The masses trust the NPA. They know that the Red fighters have their interest foremost that is why they give their support to the people’s army.

On the other hand, enemy forces have been launching attacks against civilian populations in different parts of the country killing civilians and the destruction of their homes and livelihood.

The forces of the New People’s Army have a sworn duty to defend the masses and together build a genuine democratic and independent Philippines. In line with the strategy and tactics of the national democratic revolution, the people’s war waged by the NPA under the absolute leadership of the CPP is the only path to national and social liberation.