Spokesperson, NDFP Rizal Chapter
The whole revolutionary movement in Rizal province under the National Democratic Front of the Philippines-Rizal congratulates Narciso Antazo Aramil Command NPA-Rizal’s Red fighters and commanders for their successful tactical offensives against government troops, the latest of which was the ambush last 20 March 2014.
A squad of NPA-Rizal launched the ambush against a platoon of the abusive elements of government soldiers belonging to the 16th and 59th Infantry Battalions, Philippine Army, in Sitio Paruwagan, Barangay (village) San Rafael, Rodriguez, Rizal at 7:05 am until 7:20 am. The 15-minute ambush resulted to the killing of three government soldiers, including Sgt. Jonathan Magtulis, the detachment commander of 59th Infantry Battalion in Sitio Wawa, San Rafael, Rodriguez, Rizal. Another member of the paramilitary CAFGU-PA-AFP was seriously wounded.
Prior to this, NAAC-NPA forces attacked the detachment of 59th Infantry Battalion in Sitio Apya, Barangay Calawis, Antipolo City last 3 March 2014 resulting to the seriously wounding of a government soldier named Bong Manuva.
Last 7 March 2014, another NAAC-NPA force attacked the government soldiers conducting military operation under the guise of “community organizing for peace and development” (COPD) which resulted to the wounding of seven (7) government soldiers belonging to the “Butcher” 16th Infantry Battalion, Philippine Army.
The successive tactical offensives launched by the NAAC-NPA-Rizal resulted to twelve (12) casualties on the government side with three (3) killed and nine (9) seriously wounded. The NPA forces suffered a lone casualty.
The offensives were launched in response to the long running request of the people of Rizal to punish the abusive government troops under the “Butcher” 16th Infantry Battalion and 59th Infantry Battalion. Members of these Philippine Army battalions are known for their barbarity and rampant violations of the human rights of civilians. They are responsible for gang-raping a 17-year old high school student inside their battalion headquarters in Baras, Rizal. The victim, Eunice, was a minor at the time of the crime. Because of the gang rape and the continuous threat and harassment against her by 16th Infantry Battalion soldiers, she became mentally disturbed that eventually forced her family to confine her in a mental facility. These units of the Philippine Army are also responsible for threatening, harassing and maiming the farmers and Dumagat tribesmen whom they accused as NPA supporters.
These tactical offensives are also a contribution of NPA-Rizal to the Filipino people’s struggle to oust the corrupt and US-puppet Noynoy Aquino Regime. These are also additional proof of the utter failure in the province of Rizal of the government counter-insurgency operational plan (OPLAN BAYANIHAN) to defeat the revolutionary movement. Instead of being defeated, the NPA-Rizal forces will continue to grow in strength and will contribute vigorously to advance of the people’s war from the current stage of strategic defensive to the next higher stage, the strategic stalemate. These are also fitting presents to the incoming celebration of the 45th founding anniversary of the New Peoples Army.
Long live the New People’s Army!
Long live the Communist Party of the Philippines!
Long live the National Democratic Front of the Philippines!
Long live the Filipino People!