The NDF upholds the program of uniting the democratic classes and special sectors of society for the revolutionary struggle against US imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism. This program includes the following points:
Section 1. Unite the people for the task of overthrowing the semicolonial and semifeudal system through people’s war and completing the national democratic revolution;
Section 2. Prepare the way for the establishment of a people’s democratic republic and a democratic coalition government;
Section 3. Strengthen the people’s army and the people’s defense system;
Section 4. Uphold and promote the people’s democratic rights;
Section 5. Terminate all unequal relations with the United States and all other imperialist powers and foreign entities;
Section 6. Implement a genuine agrarian reform program, promote agricultural cooperation, develop rural production and employment through modernization of agricultural and rural industrialization, and ensure agricultural sustainability;
Section 7. Dismantle the dominance of the US and other imperialists and the big comprador-landlords over the economy, implement a program of national industrialization, and ensure an independent and self-reliant economy;
Section 8. Implement a comprehensive and progressive social program;
Section 9. Promote and develop a national, scientific and progressive mass culture;
Section 10. Uphold the rights of the Bangsa Moro people, the Cordillera people and other indigenous peoples to self-determination and democracy;
Section 11. Advance the revolutionary emancipation of women in all spheres; and
Section 12. Adopt an active, independent and peaceful foreign policy.